If you would like to contact me, you can message me on CastingCall.Club at DirectorMelody, message me on Discord at Melody#7605 or email me at Please don't spam me! Keep professional and have respect. The services you'll be able to contact me for are all listed below and I have set prices for them, but I am always open to negotiate depending on the project. Please keep in mind that I will also not do any projects that are NSFW, include inappropriate topics, or include excessive swearing, and will decline any offer/project that I don't feel comfortable taking part in.
Voice Acting
Isabella can voice act for a Roblox movie/series, Gacha movie/series, Animatic, or other
Isabella can voice act as different characters (Ex. Child, Teen, Mom)
Price: $0.05 per word
Upon requesting a character for Isabella to voice over, it depends on how many lines the character has to determine how long it will take to deliver the lines. (Usually takes less than a week)

Isabella can write a script for a Roblox movie/series, Gacha movie/series, Animatic, or other in many different genres
Isabella can write a song in different genres
Price: $5.00 per 1,000 words for a script & $10 for a song
Upon requesting a script or song for Isabella to write, it depends on how many words it will have and the creative process behind it to determine how long it will take to deliver the finished piece. (Usually takes a week)

Isabella can draw a character, book cover, or a logo
Isabella's art can be drawn in various styles such as Horror, Mystery, Fun, Sci-fi, Fantasy, and much more
Price: $5.00 for a portrait, $10.00 for a waist-up, $15 for a full-body, $15 for a book cover, & $5.00 for a symbol/logo
Upon requesting a piece for Isabella to make, the finished piece should be delivered within a week or more depending on the severity of the piece.

Isabella Has Worked With Creators Like


for voice acting roles and written scripts for videos that have amounted to millions of views, changing the lives of each and every individual behind the screen.